As the hurricane Sandy sweeps the east coast of America, I am reminded of what Almine says about cataclysmic change – that it comes from the surface and forces us into re-evaluation and the eventual adjustment of core beliefs.
For example the belief that we are insignificant little beings with no power and ability to live a higher level of life. To actually choose another reality, another timeline. When faced with the tremendous energy in action of such a storm, it makes you wonder about your own power and what you do with it. What choices you make, consciously and subconsciously. Like the predictions of the last two weeks tells us, it’s time to choose and be aware. (check them out here)
Storms like Sandy doesn’t affect me physically as I live in a small country where natural disasters like this never happen, but I feel it inside. I feel Mother Earth speaking and encouraging us to look deep within and find the courage to let go of our fear of nature, and instead embrace it as a part of our being. Many of the masters in Almine’s classes have written beautiful, exquisite poems about this, the Poetry of Self, and you can experience yourself as actually being the elements of nature through Almine’s guided meditations.
Even though we recognize a storm as a catalyst for change, a more graceful way of change will nevertheless make life easier for us on all levels, and that is exactly where we are heading. Almines speaks about exponential starburst change that can break matrices and catapult us into a new way of being.
I think that many of us actually underestimate the value and impact of our inner work, what we actually prevent from happening, totally or in how severely things develop. I believe that hurricane Sandy (and other “disasters”) would have ravaged a lot more have we not done such an amazing job! We forget to pad ourselves on the shoulder and recognize that maybe we did shift some core beliefs? Still lots to do, but maybe it’s beneficial in unimaginable ways to focus on the positive, seen and unseen.
Are you taking this opportunity to look at what core beliefs would be good for you to let go of? I know I am…

Almine's art: Subtle Nuances of Infinite Intent
I have found the Calendar of Oneness to be priceless when you wish to follow the flow of Infinite Intent. It just feels so incredible to know that I am bringing myself into alignment with Source and the unfolding symphony of cosmic life.
Today’s tone of the Calendar of Oneness says “Choosing your reality”. We do have a choice and it is our privilege to exercise it, not to succumb to fear, but listen to the divine guidance of love within and be strong and courageous.
“Strength is not short-lived. It is the quality that carries us through the extended rough patches of life, sustaining us through hardship, disappointment, reversals and pain by lightening our way with the twin torches of faith and love. Strength is born of the unshakeable trust that all is in divine order and ultimate good will prevail, even when chaos temporarily reigns.” – Almine
Yes, Malue, I quite enjoyed translating your post on air. Lots of spontaneous connections in that radio show, weaving a rich tapestry of tightly intertwined threads of essential information.
Now, I’ve just realized … How striking that this storm hit the East Coast of the US on the day when Almine arrived in Russia … To me, this is reminiscent of the very spectacular “Hand of God” storm (much, much smaller in size than Sandy, though) that had hit the coast of Russia when Niels and I were there for our workshop that was intended, among other things to clear the way for Almine’s coming.
That’s amazing!
Seeing this post and comments i thought i would add my ….from my meditation this morning.
Shifts of the Morphogenic fields – all life or expressions of life have morphogenic fields (Rupert Sheldrake- bio scientist ). In the dense states of being when these fields become stagnant and stubborn to fluid change they need a house cleaning. I wished I had copied a statement made by a woman who said in a yahoo article this morning, “I feel there is something different in this storm” . The morpgogenic fields are shifting into fields of fluid flow changing moment to moment out of their rigid and stagnant states. This allows all things to fluidly shift and change as changeless change with ease and grace no more need for the dualistic action of push and pull to facilitate change. I sit in awe of this change I feel around the Earth. The hugh morphogenic fields that man has created ( eco, polit, relig, busi etc… seeing what is housed and concentrated on the eastern sea board of the US ) are changing their density to fluidity, the storms and quakes, etc… around the Earth are shattering the stagnant immobility of these fields ( starbursts of change ). In so doing allows for fluid change to phase into the next expression of life in a seamless manner. In looking for the magic and miraculous this is what came to me – just my version of …… I keep my focus in awe, gratitude, love and praise, I hold the Earth and all her life forms in and on her within the infinite compassion of love that is the core of my being/heart. In bated breath I await trembling in excitement at the soon to be unfolding of expressing life. By TPS.Pearl 10.30.12
Very beautifully said Sujata, thanks for sharing! “I keep my focus in awe, gratitude, love and praise, I hold the Earth and all her life forms in and on her within the infinite compassion of love that is the core of my being/heart” – I’m in on this 🙂
Just an interesting message I saw when the storm was hitting…it said, ” We are never without power”
Quite interesting, and quite right!
Such ‘synchronicity’, it is always a Gift! We were just coming together this evening for our French-language radio show when this was posted, and Marc picked it up. We had already planned to share our experiences, all along the lines of the comments here. So Marc simply translated your whole post Malue, live and ‘off the cuff’ on the show! And we continued from there!
Wow, that is indeed synchronicity in action. That sounds great Barbara, thanks for sharing that! I am so grateful that we can be of inspiration to each other. I would love to hear your show, but I’m afraid I don’t understand enough french 🙂
Yes! it was a particularly good show, and of course you most certainly DID participate, even if you won’t get much out of listening. You might enjoy downloading it anyhow, in case you meet someone who does understand French 😉
Yes, deep changes are indeed in the works, I feel it too Jeanette and thanks for reminding us that we we can fly, windy or not 🙂
I too have felt a lot of clearing and a wonderful sense of being “blown through”, the wind having taken all the negativity and rigid patterns with it. How wonderful that you have done the Hakulit Dhani, I am sure it has helped reduce the catastrophes and created a new pathway somehow.
Hanna, it’s so nice to hear that! I agree, lets’ use it wisely.
Wow, thanks for contributing my sisters, all is truly well.
With love and gratitude,
I just may add being here in NY that I feel that an amazing surge of purified energy was being given to us. Something huge was shifted and cleansed. We are indeed empowered now and everything is in divine order. May we use it wisely
Beautifully laid out in words my sister, Malue. You are a wondrous testament to the teachings here. I was performing a Hakulit yesterday, before the storm and felt a lot of clearing. I felt my energies building up in my head around 1 am PST… that when the hurricane hit the east coast….in clearing it…and choosing starburst changes……hope it has helped reduce the catastrophes.
Hi Dhani, my son is in college in Boston and when I spoke to him today he told me he had a terrible headache through the night of the storm, he couldn’t sleep, he never gets headaches. He said he knew something big was happening because it wasn’t a regular headache it went deep into his ears. Could it be the balancing of the electrica/light/wind with the magnetic/frequency/water….there seemed to be equal portions of water and strong winds. Florida, where I live, we have been having strong strong winds from Sandy, even today it has been very windy for us.
Beautiful written, Malue… I deeply feel the changes and the choice to live the beauty of life. Strength is truly unfolding in every corner of the existance… We have been given wings and now we can fly windy or not…