Can you explain the concept of mastering life more clearly? Continue reading→
Desiderata – Words for Life by Max Ehrmann
You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here. Continue reading→
The Other Side Of Midnight
Poetry by Almine Continue reading→
Blue Birds
Poetic verse by Karen F. Continue reading→
A Dragon Came to Stay
In the depth of sleep in an April storm
In the hours of twilight just before dawn
A thunderous roar tore through my head
Shook the house and rattled my bed
I jolted awake, shaken and dazed
A sound that loud, no human made Continue reading→
What Is the Difference Between Alchemical and Magical Poetry?
Alchemical poetry takes the small and makes it large… Magical poetry takes the large and makes it small… Continue reading→
A Poem For The Innocents
Dedicated by the Seer Almine to the holy babies that are the hope of mankind’s future… Continue reading→
The Dewdrop (Through the Seer’s Eyes #16)
A crystal ball for a fairy child
To watch the starry sky roll by?
A liquid gem for an elfin boy;
To take delight in a treasured toy? Continue reading→
A Summer Shower (Through the Seer’s Eyes #15)
Tufts of steel-grey clouds roll by • Painted by the wind across the canvas of the sky • Soft as a sigh, a rain shower follows behind • Continue reading→
The Immortal (Through the Seer’s Eyes #14)
Long have I watched • throughout the years • Man’s games of control • born of fear • I’ve seen him rise through the passage of time • From the grotesque to the refined • Continue reading→