Can you address the theme of ‘stolen power’ on the Diary? Continue reading→
First And Second Ring Power
I was wondering what they represent. Continue reading→
The Harbingers Of Salvation
…regard not the disintegration of the world around you, for all power lies within you. Continue reading→
Personal Power
…a simple sentence can be life-changing. Continue reading→
What is Personal Power?
Personal power eludes those who pursue it with intense determination. Personal power sprouts in the fertile soil of rootedness, stroked to life by the gentle breeze of innocence. Continue reading→
Atoms, Addiction and Power (Awakening from the Dream)
You’ve said in The Answer, that atoms are only found in the Stages of Dreaming, the stages of Awakening, and the next macrocosm you called the Field of Intent. What is the purpose of atoms, or an atomic reality? And why were they formed? Continue reading→
Personal Power
Thank you for the comments and questions related to recent posts. Almine replies to a question from Herwig on our Diary post Are the Masculine and Feminine Axis Fully Merged?. We paraphrase the questions below: What is the correct intellectual attitude for understanding Almine’s teaching? How can we integrate it and have it become a… Continue reading→
The Preciousness Of Your Power And Energy
A new interview with Almine from December 2014 in which she talks about: - Almine’s history (how did this start) - Changing teachings in 2005 with the start of Earth’s ascension - Self-doubt - Transforming the mind from a tyrant to a tool - No longer living from Light and Love - Oneness vs. Duality (teaching non-duality) - How to deal with the difficult parts of life - Attracting what you are focussing on - Taking up the responsibility of creating your own creation - Practical spirituality in subtle ways - Perception beyond what you have seen before - Preciousness of energy and power - Not playing the games of people, of neediness and control - Transforming negativity through recapitulation
Book of Spells – Now Available for Pre-Ordering
We are so happy to finally share this with you! The Art of Mastering Incorruptible Magic Changing the world to a reality of more graceful unfolding has been a quest for lightworkers. Yet many have shunned the study of how to achieve the power necessary for a beneficial contribution. Power has been feared as something… Continue reading→
Preview: The Bridge to No-Time (Power Of Perspective)
Preview a little snippet from Almine’s upcoming book: Bridge to No-Time This book will soon be available on (we want to give you more information on this, but this is literally all that we’ve got!) 1st post of today