I love you dearly my Precious Ones, and I want to share my highest insights with you. Continue reading→
Do We Have A Higher Self?
I would not trust anything that speaks to me as an outside source and says, ‘I am your Higher Self’ – Almine In this selection from Day 4 of Ask Almine Anything 5, Almine addresses the question of our so-called “Higher Self”. Ask Almine Anything 5: http://www.alminewisdom.com/products/ask-almine-anything-5
Sound Elixirs Bridging Death?
Today we share a very personal question to Almine about sound elixirs. Question: “My mother died yesterday morning. May I ask how this sound elixir can still work for her? Thanks for letting me know. It is perhaps something that Almine can answer that would benefit everyone to understand how a sound elixir can still… Continue reading→
Putting Roots Under Your Understanding
During the recent Belgium retreat, Almine answered a very interesting question from the audience. How does one give roots to the massive amounts of information and insights you are bringing forth, also with the always new information that comes through? Almine made clear that the best way is to follow along with the new courses… Continue reading→
Star Races Don’t Understand Pleasantries
QUESTION FROM A. REGARDING THE STAR TRANSMISSIONS How have we been chosen by our Star Friends? At this middle-age stage of my life, I don’t have anything in common with my new Friend. Nothing has been said as to why I was chosen by this female – it just feels very random! I’m especially ‘concerned’… Continue reading→
Activating God Hormones – Q&A with Almine
Last week we posted a diary entry about the God Blend and Goddess Blend and their connection to the activation of the God hormone, as Almine calls it. From this post came an interesting question in the comment section by Lin. She asks: “… are there other methods of activating the “god hormones” without having to… Continue reading→
Ask Your Questions to Almine: Answers for Lightworkers II
We are going to have a little fun with the upcoming Answers for Lightworkers II online course that starts on April 1st, 2013. Fun, because you can leave your questions for Almine in this dedicated thread on Ascension.net and we will use them for the online course. We cannot guarantee how many of them Almine… Continue reading→
Breaking Free of Cataclysmic Change – Almine Answers Questions
A question that Almine received a couple of weeks ago… Question: I have been listening a lot to Drunvalo Melchizedek and what he has to say about whats coming to us beeings living on our beloved Mother Earth. I have been very sad and scared, because of his predictions about Mother Earths ascending and how… Continue reading→
3 Days Of Darkness?
From the Belgium retreat, a question about the prophesied “3 days of darkness” (an individual question asked in private to Almine, later agreed to be shared here on the diary): Question: Will there be 3 days of darkness as everyone is saying? Answer: The 3 days of darkness happened in August 2005, when the Sun… Continue reading→
Self-Love Is The 1st Step To Identity-Free Mastery
Recently a student contacted us with some comments regarding the dream symbology of sexuality as found in Almine’s Dream Dictionary. The Dream Dictionary, a free pdf download on our webstore on www.spiritualjourneys.com, offers age-old Toltec* dream symbols to assist with the interpretation of non-cognitive information found in both dreams and our daily environment. Q. In the… Continue reading→