Can you please explain the following dream I had? Continue reading→
Midwifing a New Reality
This is a heads-up for tomorrow’s Awakening from the Dream radio show. In it we have as a surprise guest Almine (from about 15 minutes into the show). This is the description for the show: Midwifing In a New Reality Totally unexpected we have Almine on the show today. We talk about her effect on… Continue reading→
Can I Be Grateful? – Recapitulation Pt. 5
Today we close off our series on recapitulation; a tool to gain the insights from the past, but also from our daily experiences. This information is found in Almine’s beautiful book A Life of Miracles, that is just filled with these kinds of tools. Also check out the earlier insights in posts 1, 2, 3 and 4. When we last… Continue reading→
What Is The Gift? – Recapitulation Pt. 4
Let us continue today with our ongoing series about the spiritual tool of recapitulation, as found in Almine’s beautiful book A Life of Miracles, that is just filled with these kinds of tools. We have already posted parts 1, 2 and 3, so be sure to check those posts out as well. When we left you, we just discussed… Continue reading→
What Is The Lesson? – Recapitulation Pt. 3
Here is part 3 in our series about how to practice the tool of recapitulation. In the Toltec shamanism tradition that Almine has taught for many years, recapitulation -successfully letting go of the past by gaining the insights of your experiences- plays a key role as a tool to help you break out of identity… Continue reading→
When Our Whole Life Passes Us By – Recapitulation Pt. 2
Today we continue our series on the art of recapitulation. This is part 2 of the series. Read part one here. This information and more can be found in Almine’s first book A Life of Miracles. Recapitulation at Death The recapitulation process also occurs naturally at death. For several hours following death, our soul stays… Continue reading→
Overcoming The Past – Recapitulation Pt. 1
Many a time have we been asked what this strange tool of “recapitulation” is. Today we share the first part of Almine’s insight on this great way of overcoming the past. It comes straight from her book A Life of Miracles. Recapitulation One method of overcoming the past is called recapitulation. It is the scrutiny of… Continue reading→