A little reminder for all those who are considering to go to Almine’s first ever Silence Retreat. Our “Early Bird rate” is about to end on the 18th of May. This means that if you register before May the 18th 2012, you will get a special discount rate. See this page here for more info and… Continue reading→
A Users Guide To The Earth Chant Ceremony
This summer solstice people from all over the world will join in on the Earth Chant Ceremony. The ceremony is specifically designed to restore the frequency component for the peoples of earth. The ascension of light that the earth has taken in the last few years means a lot of gains in perception, however the… Continue reading→
Silence Retreat Audio With Almine
We are so happy about our upcoming first ever Silence Retreat! The combined power of our light family, hands on blessing by Almine, Earth Chants, Angel Power Wheels, Killarney Park and blessed Silence… it just makes our skin tingle with excitement! In this audio Almine divulges a bit about what will happen during this one… Continue reading→
Overwhelm is a Choice
Overwhelm is a Choice 04/21/2012 In this very practical episode of Awakening, we go into the issue of overwhelm. How do you keep your inner silence when faced with too much work, too much urgent issues that have to be taken care of and too much things that are screaming for your attention? Marc, Rogier… Continue reading→
Dragon Magic Affirmations
Dragon Magic Affirmations It is an exciting show of Awakening from the Dream, with the announcing of the winners of the “Can I Get A Hug Now” contest, sharing of testimonials and diving into the Dragon Magic affirmations. What is the transformative power of Silence? How do you awaken the core of another’s being? And… Continue reading→
Standing Before The Wonder Of Our Being
You can now also find Almine on Pinterest: A social network entirely devoted to sharing pictures. And we already have quite a few on there, like this one. Come and take a look here. ~*~ We are in the home stretch of Almine’s “Can I Get A Hug Now?” contest. All the testimonials have… Continue reading→
A Silence Retreat With Almine ~ Experience The Power Of Your Essence
Killarney Provincial Park Ontario, Canada 18-22 June 2012 (early bird price $900.- for registration before May 18th, after $1000.-) “I can go so much deeper with my light family, if they let go of the questions and in Silence surrender themselves” ~ Almine A Retreat in Silence with Almine We are really happy to announce a… Continue reading→
Addicted To Being Alone
Check out our newest two Awakening from the Dream radio shows. Addicted to Being Alone 02/18/2012 Want to understand how you can still experience opposition, even though you have become “The One”? Then this is an episode for you! What is the real feminine vs. the fake feminine? And how about the fake masculine? What… Continue reading→
Discovering The Source Of Inspiration – An Interview With Almine Pt. 4
Here is the final part of Cris’s interview with Almine. Enjoy! In what way does this silence differ from the bliss of the yogi? Almine: “If it were just bliss, the experience would be no different than the experience of the yogi on his mountaintop. It is not only that, but rippling waves of rapture… Continue reading→
The Answer To All Questions – An Interview With Almine Pt. 3
Here’s the third part of our recent “interview with Almine” series, conducted by Cris. How do questions and answers create this reality and how does this relate to the male and female principle? Almine: “Questions and answers create the tube torus of reality. As the question goes more and more deeply, the answer goes farther… Continue reading→