The tribe demands conformity. Interact sparingly with those who seek to… Continue reading→
Judgments of the Heart
Featured in Almine’s upcoming book titled Bridge of No Time, which is a handbook for Rune masters and set to be released on NY Eve, December 31, 2015 – we share a section pertaining to “The “Judgments of the Heart”. It seems to speak to recent posts here on the Diary. Sadness versus Joy: To… Continue reading→
Tribalism and the Soulmate Illusion
In this selection from Almine’s discourse The Four Mirrors, she explains how the fear of our vastness manifests as tribalism, specifically in the illusion of a soulmate. The Four Mirrors will be be uploaded to I AM Presence on Friday, March 21
Almine’s Caribbean Treasure Hunt – Winner Month 1, Assignment Month 2
Once I got started I had pages of research, with many background notes for my own use. I found this exercise so valuable! And reading others entries have so enlarged my understanding. What a super idea this ‘contest’ is! ~ Barbara Kathryn Winner Month 1 It is time to announce the winner of month 1… Continue reading→
Solitude is the Price of Greatness
When the human soul feels alienated from Source, it seeks a situation that offers a sense of ‘belonging’, as in a tribe. The tribe, however, stunts growth because it requires conformity. Solitude is the price of greatness. ~ Handbook for Healers This and more previews of Almine’s books can be found on the new
Persecution by the Masses
In this videoclip below, recorded at the men’s retreat in september 2012, Almine speaks about how we are persecuted according to the bell-shaped curve. This is a condition many wayshowers on the planet today share and it often starts in the early childhood. And I guess it is something we have carried with us for… Continue reading→
The Tribe Becomes One
Here you can see an example of the Poetry of Dreaming. “Poetry of Dreaming” is a valuable tool for opening up the deeper dream states’ communications, promoting the healing of the psyche and the body as well as facilitating the balance of the Inner Child and other sub-personalities… In Almine’s book Labyrinth of the Moon… Continue reading→
The Forgotten Ones
“During my recent Red Deer, Alberta retreat, one of the indigenous peoples in my class (a Cree brother) told us that he saw a meteor fall from the sky and had dug it up where it had landed. He brought it to the retreat and I found it to be filled with information. The Cree man who… Continue reading→
The Shamanic Perspective On Leadership
The Northern Cheyenne are called the Morning Star people. Their elder John Woodenlegs has said: “As the morning star has been our guiding light, so it will give us life in our hearts and will guide us in days to come…” It was Chief Dull Knife who, over 100 years ago, led his people to… Continue reading→
Journeying The Unmapped Territory Of Excellence
When we refuse the psychological suicide of suppressing the greatness we are, no matter how strong the rejection, we change others as we journey through the unmapped territory of excellence. Without trying we inspire the tribe to evolve at their own comfortable pace.