Copyright Information of Spiritual Journeys Part 1, mentions that someone created a product from Almine’s work that would cause a conflict because Spiritual Journeys plans to present exactly the same thing for our annual New Year’s eve celebration…
Question: It seems like other students have created products from your work. Why am I not permitted to?
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Rune Mastery Initiations
Spiritual Journeys presents the first Rune initiations in North America! Mastery of the Runes ~ A Special Event in Ohio Friday July 17- Sunday July 19, 2015 Study the Runes in class Receive initiations as a Rune Master or Grand Master Book of Runes will be available for purchase! Facilitator: Jan Location: Otterbein… Continue reading→
The Depth of Your Being
Found in Saradesi Satva Yoga by Almine: Nansklave misevech hunavesvi eruret blihavech eskre bravet sklava prihanes eresh asatu minevat skaravink. Let your words flow from the eternal silence of your infinite song, that the depth of your being may touch that of another between your words. This information was originally posted on Almine’s yoga blog, called
Dancing With Grace – Read Pieces of Almine’s Books for Free
Snippets of Wisdom For some time now we have placed little previews of almost all of Almine’s books on Not only the selected free pages which you can find on any product page, but also little snippets of wisdom that are shared to enjoy and ponder over. You can find these little snippets on… Continue reading→
Schedule For Global Health Symposium For Lightworkers
Jan from Team Almine has been visiting Johannesburg, South Africa, to share Belvaspata and other teachings of Almine. During an interview with Kate Turkington, on her weekly radio show called “Believe It or Not”, Jan’s friends took this interesting photo (thank you Paul). Students here in South Africa enjoyed the classes for Belvaspata Healing through… Continue reading→
The Ultimate Meditation Course 3
By popular request Almine will continue the series of profound meditation experiences and offer The Ultimate Meditation Course 3 during the month of november 2012! It has turned out that the effects of our global lightfamily doing meditations together have been amazing. The power of us joing hands like this is remarkable, and this time… Continue reading→
Aranash Suba Yoga – The Yoga of Enlightenment
Recently during a private retreat held in Almine’s home in Newport, Oregon – a very exciting event took place. During the early morning hours of 10/11/12, Almine was awakened at 2 am to receive a new form of yoga. It was announced some time ago by Almine that she would be receiving the intermediate level… Continue reading→
Devi Satva Yoga as a catalyst for change
Our new yoga website is well up and running and if you were ever interested in yoga, this new format with online yoga classes is your chance to learn this ancient spiritual discipline from the comfort of your own home! Jeanne Temple is your host and teacher and you are invited to particpate in the… Continue reading→
In The Language Of The Infinite One
Our Belvaspata practitioners will be delighted to find out about the words for love, praise and gratitude in the Infinite’s language. Love = Neresh-huspata Praise = Blavit-rechvatu Gratitude = Nusarat-ubesvi Today we have even more information on Belvaspata: Creating an income from Belvaspata and other sacred tools we have been given, is revealed during this… Continue reading→
A Spiritual Retreat With Almine
The Retreats of Almine’s Teachings The retreats that offer the teachings of this world–renowned mystic have several unique and characteristic features. They may vary widely in that these globally occurring events each have a specific genre, but the following common elements can be found: World-class mystics steeped in the bliss of expanded awareness, are seldom… Continue reading→