Now available!
The Earth has been given nine Guardian Angels (collectively known as Gatekeepers) to guard her and her children during times of transition and environmental challenges. The alchemy of the oil created to celebrate this event has been designed to facilitate communication and requests for their assistance.
How to use the alchemical oil: Place a few drops in the navel, sign the angelic sigil in the air in front of you while calling the relevant Angel by name. State your request clearly and thank them for their assistance.
Available in the following sizes:
3.5 ml: $18
18 ml: $72
Click here to download Earth Angels’ sigils and instructions.
W😮W! Th🤍nk you!
In Gratitude to you dearest Almine and Angel Gods for the creation of this, yet another, sacred Gift – I so look forwards to working with this precious Oil and be of assistance in whatever way i can that is in pure and in Divine Order. With much Love and many Blessings to you and All.
Thank you dearest Almine, what a holy privilege to work with these Angel Gods and our beloved Earth. It is with humility and reverence and the gathered wisdom of walking this journey with you, that I will approach this beautiful gift.
Wow this is such a holy time!!
My utmost praise and immeasurable gratitude for the incomparable gifts of the Angel Gods….
Reverent thanks Almine – I have been looking for these sigils, waiting for their release; much appreciated