Here is the second post with Almine’s insights into healing. You can read the first post here. Also, check out the beautiful healing modality Belvaspata (healing of the heart), mentioned in these insights.
Concepts Of Wellness
The upcoming days we will be posting Almine’s insights into disease and health. Not the easiest of subjects, for often pain, fear and suffering are related to the subject of disease. However, with these insights we invite you to see sickness for what it is, to step back into your own power and reclaim your… Continue reading→
Self-Reliance – Not Asking The World To Understand
The fifth installment of our ongoing series of the seven supporting attitudes of ascension is that of self-reliance. You can read our previous post regarding such an attitude -poise- here. If you are particularly interested in the topic of ascension, you might want to check out our new free online course Pathway of Ascension. Self–Reliance… Continue reading→
New Danish Radio Show
The Infinite part of yourself is conjuring your life. Do not fear that you can make a mistake. A mistake is just an insight you have temporarily hidden from yourself. In the newest edition of Onkenbaar (Almine’s Dutch radio show) we share two audio clips by Almine. Listen to the show here. Audio clip on… Continue reading→
Angels Of Spontaneous Unfoldment
Below you will find the three primary archangels of spontaneous unfoldment. You can call upon them and their legions of assisting angels to help your life spontaneously unfold. The wheel helps to bring them in. Happy unfolding everyone! The 3 primary archangels are: Utremenis Halvapetruch Kirisi-planu Also, check out our previous angel posting of the angels… Continue reading→
Dictators Of Mediocre Realities
Find and eliminate the dictating belief systems of your life. Dictators always produce mediocre realities because they are cut off from the genius of innovative flow. Life is inherently inclusive. In creating a division, we are inviting that which we wish to exclude, to breach it. For every wall we build, life creates a gate…. Continue reading→
Sharing Wisdom – Free Online Ascension Video Course
In this Awakening from the Dream we share various audio clips where Almine goes deep into topics that will help you in your own spiritual quest. These audio clips have been aired over the past half year on various of Almine’s shows and are compiled here to make a wisdom-packed hour long spectacle. Enjoy! Listen… Continue reading→
Almine’s Teachings In Daily Life
Shelley Franklin and Jeanne Temple interview Sandra Pasqualini about the inspiring way she incorporates Almine’s teachings into her daily life. This interview is from the radio show, The Gathering of the Light Family which airs every Saturday at 5pm PST/8pm EST.
Spiderwebs – A Personal Message To You From Almine
My dear family of light, For many years we have been working on thinning and counteracting the creation of matrices that lie like spiderwebs over a Rembrandt painting. A very huge shift was made in this regard during this weekend’s Amsterdam retreat that you could be feeling in your bodies as heat around the spine and energy flushes throughout. We… Continue reading→
Poise – Crowning Glory Of A Life Well Lived
The fourth of our seven supporting attitudes of ascension is poise. The Majesty of Poise The calm poise detected in masters of power is the culmination of a lifetime of discipline and the unconditional surrender to the unfolding of life. It is the crowning glory of a life well lived; a life in which the… Continue reading→