Behind a cottage of stone, a sentinel alone
Stands the old oak tree
On a grassy knoll
Where the West Wind blows
He looks out over the sea
In his shade, gravestones lie
Husbands and wives side by side
But all is not as it seems
Husbands’ empty graves
Tell the tales
Of fishermen lost at sea
No resting place have they
Where sheep come to graze
On spring grass between the graves
Each generation anew
Has had to pay their dues
As they harvested the bounty of the waves
A woman’s soothing tones
Come from her cottage home
And drifts to the Old Oak Tree
In a chair by the hearth
Her grandfather had carved
She sings her child to sleep
No need to be concerned
Though Father has not returned
He’ll come with the evening tide
She watches for his boat
As storm clouds approach
Ghostly galleons adrift in the sky
At the break of day
By the window she stays
As still she waits in vain
Her eyes strained and tired
See wreckage brought by the tide
And now, no more hope remains
From the family’s hand-hewn chest
She pulls the black lace dress
Worn by grieving wives
Not until the mourners leave
Can she finally release
The pain she hid from prying eyes
A woman’s plaintiff cries
Where the empty coffin lies
Another generation
claimed by the sea
From the Old Country they came
Escaping their toil and pain
To rest in the shade of the Old Oak Tree
MsNamasteLight says
Happy Re-Birthday to Y()U…Happy Re-Birthday to Y()U…Happy Re-Birthday Dear siSTAR Almineeeeeeee…Happy Re-Birthday to Y()U ~!
Blessings alwyas…and…In-All-Ways
Birgitte Hjort says
Beloved Almine Angel <3
You are always in my heart. My love for you is beyond words and so is my praise and gratitude for your Infinite Being. Your poems, artwork, songs, books and retreats are a divine gift to this world and to all cosmos.
I thank the Infinite, that a picture and the name of you suddenly popped up at my computer out of nowhere in the year 2012, and that I took a further look at, who this wonderful lady might be. Shortly after I attended a retreat by you in Copenhagen. It was life changing, and (if not before) you have been in my heart ever since. Thank you for your Infinite Being and for all you give by innocently unfolding life.
I pray to the Infinite, that more miracles along your recovery may unfold. When I listen to your voice reading your beautiful poem, I feel that it is getting stronger. May a divine blue butterfly find its way to your throat, spreading its wings of pure light and thereby gently moving the muscles of your throat for the perfect airflow for your breathing.
May the song of the Infinite call your voice with all its divine notes back into its full expression, and may it also call your hearing back into its full capacity. I pray to the Infinite and the angels, that you may be fully restored, renewed and rejuvenated in all manners of being!
Let me sink into the Infinite Ocean, let me sink into the Eternal Self and from this state of being be connected with you in the purest love and in a field of hope, that will assist you in your graceful journey of resurrection…
Many blessings, praise, love, gratitude and surrendered trust –
Birgitte (in Denmark)
Patty says
Dear Almine,
I am looking to purchase a piece of land that has a very old oak tree. It stands as a beacon overlooking the very large Rainy River which is the border between Canada and United States. The view is of Northern Minnesota. Thank you for this beautiful message!! I love to hear your voice so to further visualize and pray for the full restoration of your speaking, your singing and as well for the full restoration of your hearing. ~Deep Peace and Full Blessings Be Yours~
Miriam says
For a couple of months now I have been living by the sea in Devon (which is part of an area also called the West Country…) I already wrote about it. It was a rushed move. All very strange. Everywhere here there are benches with inscriptions on them by people dedicating them to their deceased relatives. Sometimes there will even be one with a photograph (or two) and the words “lost at sea” on them. The first night I spent here I had such a bad dream and feeling in this house, I determined to leave immediately, however, considering all my options, I felt all I could do was stay. Very cold house (although the landlord was busy with fitting insulation up in the loft room all of this last week). Then a week ago I was startled in the middle of the night, ran, and fell down the stairs, injuring myself.
Thank you for your beautiful and evocative poem, Almine Thank you for being with us, and I wish you a happy day today on your Birthday!
Gulfiia Kutcenko says
Happy Birthday,dear Almine!
Life flows in its natural course,
And each one is seeking the Source
Of origin where we once came from,
And then some day will return…
But while we keep staying here
Nothing can interfere
With our life stream joy!
That’s why we always enjoy
The gifts blessed by the Infinite
As they are truly unlimited !
Devapriya says
In my not knowing I just ask that your birthday wishes be fulfilled. Amen.
I send you my love, beloved Almine.
Denise says
Happy birthday Almine……you remind me of the “old oak tree”
Lori Spagna says
Happy Birthday, Almine!
We celebrate the BIRTH of YOU!!!
Happy Happy Happy Birthday to YOU!!!
The Birth of A True Angel in Physical Form…
Lovely and Divine Almine:
In-JOY Your Special Day!
And Celebrate the Birth of:
I hope you enjoy it!!!
Happy Birthday Song:
You are loved.
You matter.
I love YOU.
I acknowledge YOU.
I value YOU.
I honor YOU.
I respect YOU.
I appreciate YOU.
Thank you for having been born!
Happy Birthday!
With deep and sincere love, appreciation and gratitude,
Lori Spagna
Selma says
Happy life day, beloved Almine! You are so loved and appreciated by many. We continue praying & being grateful for your continuing recovery and presence with us! Hope to see you in person soon. My love to Jaylene, too.
Karen {Kia} Perez says
Dear Most Loving One, Send your power and light and touch Almine now, All body functions are normal… Walking with ease, stability, and balance. The butterfly wing movement of the throat muscles that open during breathing is cooperating and opening fully on both sides. Butterfly wing movement is perfectly healed and is flowing naturally… Receiving full in and out airflow breaths. Just the perfect amount… Imagine it… See it… Feel it… Feel the joy… So much Gratitude, Much Love and Light.
Praise God! Amen and Amen
Karen {Kia} Perez says
Dearest Almine, Have a Great Birth-day…! I pray all your wishes and dreams come true. Know that you are truely loved by so many. Remember to allow God/Source and the Angels to help you with all your senses. Use them to help you hear completely. May your hearing be restored now in the name of the most Loving One. Be well. Keep smiling and remember who you are and why you came here. Sending you Big Hugs. Take care and get plenty of rest. Your body will let you know. So much Love, Peace, Gratitude, and Blessings.
maria arvanitidis says
Today marks 14 years my adopted father who to me that was it however he did not think it so especially near the end of his cycle
that if only I had shown him more love that he was asking for and yet I so protective of my heart kept my distance that he knew because before puberty we were so very close I would hug his leg so tight that he would walk with me this way to lol
he was my Peter Pan any way
In the rain we went to graveside where he lay beside hime waiting empty 8 feet down where my mother is to accompany We had gone to light his candle and some incense today
Almine I want to thank this poetry well felt out and wisely written
Dhani says
So many restless souls to liberate.
Let the release of old ghosts bring peace on Earth.
Dhani says
So good to hear you on audio. 🙂
Thank you for this.
Jana says
How magically orchestrated tones this poem carries trough the river of Life and interconnecting moments in time. In the ALLNESS of her heart, she comes home to herself on in breath. Like being under water yet breathing, a river passes through stillness of the time, healing her numbed up lips, mouth, throat, and her beautiful voice becomes full again with an outbreath of a humpback whale.
Susi Morton says
Happy happy joy joy birthday Almine, may your wings breath in balance with your step in sterdy dance your ears rejoice in pleasure and your voice be in strong resonance. LPGT Love you ,thank you,bless you
Tia B says
Happy alignment with your birth star day, beloved Almine! Happy Birthday <3 Thank you for your tireless and patient transmissions, channelings, and teachings. Much Gratitude!
Thea Khama says
I am seeing a pattern happening to the enlightened ones recently. A shedding, a returning to darkness, to bring forth something yet unseen.
At first it alarmed me, worried me, and now I watch. I wonder … I pray…
Almine follow the song of your soul and keep a hold of the light. Whatever you do wherever you are… Know you are loved beyond measure and there is an anchor here. Sweet birth day for this earth time . Thea ( Alima)
Vanessa says
Dear Almine , happy birthday, …even though you have been through so much.. .,… I will never give up hope for you and I continue to keep you in my prayers and healings
I feel deep sadness from your beautiful poetry , beauty and sadness and yet trusting perfection
I will continue Belvaspata for you as you instructed me to do so in the dream time
I love you Almine
Gilsina says
Thank you!!!
Alex says
Almine, your voice is sounding stronger now!. XO!
Anna says
sad and yet so beautiful…thank you. 🙂