You speak a lot of bringing balance back to life on Earth. What exactly is out of balance?
The Seer:
The Original Ones were sent to Earth so that through a tremendous influx of awareness, the Earth could have a more graceful evolution into spiritual maturity. The planet and its creatures at all levels have been living with the maturity of a five-year-old. This disintegrating of the old way of life for a more conscious way to emerge is the equivalent of a five-year-old entering first grade in school. Many adjustments need to be made by the child to the new way of life. The imbalance results from the inner conflict between embracing the new way of life, but somehow wishing that the nice shelter of life before school can be returned to. This is the simplest answer.
Then why are the Original Ones having a hard time as well?
The Seer:
I had told the original Ones that this past year would bring the “School of the Gods”- this is it. The goal is to test the self-trust of the Godbeings on Earth; to see if they can re-establish a life of wholesomeness in their own life by proxy for humanity.
Living a wholesome life is not just a good idea and a pleasant way of creating a sanctuary amidst the turmoil of the world around us. It is an imperative reminder that our being is our sustenance and we are the self-sovereign creators of the quality of our journey. ~ The Seer Almine
This makes so much sense.
I forget the name of the planet that the OO also live?? It starts with a T?.
Thank you Tina for this brilliant question. Answer is ever insightful as always Almine. Deepest gratitude for these vast insights.:)
Thank you for asking this question Tina…. Gratitude to beloved Almine for the profoundly mystical answer.
Yes! good reminder – we are always functioning as proxies.. LPGTH
I wonder how those “ashrams” will be coming along. I know the desire to live amongst each other is stronger than it’s ever been. :). I remember Almine talking about how this is not the first time we are doing this. When you lived together eons ago TREMENDOUS MIRACLES would happen she said.