How does the Light Explosion protocol work?
The light explosion protocol is a magical device that resembles the form of an Awareness Particle. It’s imbued with a very high frequency. Bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungus (to name but a few) die when in the presence of a much higher frequency.
Why then do some of our Lightfamily get Covid?
There could be several reasons:
1. Hidden anger attracts Covid.
2. We attract what we fear.
3. Lack of faith in the efficacy of the tools. They seem too simplistic to be effective to some.
4. Living like a human but using the tools of the Gods, is a self-sabotaging paradigm.
Also, religion isn’t the same as spirituality. Religion that controls through right and wrong and punishment, is the false way to be spiritual. Living a wholesome life is the spiritual path of the Gods.

Click here for more information on the light explosion protocol
Thank you for this explanation.
Hey Tina! Did you join the August 15th gathering and is there an update?
Hi Alexandra, I was not able to join that gathering. I’ve not heard of any update.
How does one live like a God? I know it has been mentioned it past posts, but I feel neither human nor Godly…I just feel like me. I believe in the light explosion, I have seen its efficacy with my own eyes, but if I’m not living like the Original Ones definition of what a God is then how do I know if its actually working at full capacity? Any comments/suggestions on the matter would be much appreciated.
Hi Hunt, from my understanding, the light explosion will work for everyone..God or human. It will work at full capacity, no matter who you are.
Thank you Almine.
I have to dig deeply in what you are telling us, in many layers .
Programming in us is very deeply hidden. what is truth?
Pasteur in his days was teaching how a virus could spread could this be a myth? If you believe in a virus can you attract sickness? Anger in the body and mind is not one of the 12 emotions. Freguencies to live in the way you have teach us. If it is a natural process of the cells in the body to get rid of waist density then there is no virus that can attack us it is just accumulated dirt. Maybe this is a myth too? And if there are viruses can we make peace with them as living with each other?
There is no meaning to life you have teach us. Is everything programming then? I think there is a pcr test pandemic. A dream in a dream.
With love and gratitude to you Almine
My deep gratitude for this wonderful and magical gift Almine and the Infinite. My Heart is overflowing with such Love and Praise…………..
Great reminder