At the recent retreat in Ohio Almine was asked to clarify why consulting your so-called “higher self” is problematic. She explains how the higher self – the soul – is primarily invested in luring the energy of your awareness away from the physical body to the realms of death, and will dispense advice accordingly. Continue reading→
Creating Peace in the Field of Hope
You may be aware that a total lunar eclipse will occur today. This type of eclipse may be referred to as a Blood Moon. We posted about Blood Moons on the Diary April 13, 2014 (a second total eclipse was October 8, 2014 and the next two will be on April 4, 2015 and September… Continue reading→
The Preciousness Of Your Power And Energy
A new interview with Almine from December 2014 in which she talks about: - Almine’s history (how did this start) - Changing teachings in 2005 with the start of Earth’s ascension - Self-doubt - Transforming the mind from a tyrant to a tool - No longer living from Light and Love - Oneness vs. Duality (teaching non-duality) - How to deal with the difficult parts of life - Attracting what you are focussing on - Taking up the responsibility of creating your own creation - Practical spirituality in subtle ways - Perception beyond what you have seen before - Preciousness of energy and power - Not playing the games of people, of neediness and control - Transforming negativity through recapitulation
Super Gods, Ascension & the Realm of Dragons
In this summer of 2014 interview with Lauren Galey from, Almine discusses: • Entering Godhood, the Story of Ascension • The Connection between Man and the Higher Realms, Higher Beings, Angels • The 3 Phases of God Consciousness • The Realm of Dragons and Their Connection to Humans • The DNA Rose Pattern to… Continue reading→
Super Gods, Ascension & the Realm of Dragons
Today we share a part of the encore interview Lauren Galey recently did with Almine. This audio is about 10 minutes long, but in the complete hour long interview Almine discusses: • Entering Godhood, the Story of Ascension • The Connection between Man and the Higher Realms, Higher Beings, Angels • The 3 Phases of God Consciousness… Continue reading→
Why Death Is Not The Answer
An Interview with the Seer Almine by Ronni Q. There seems to be a tremendous rise in suicide statistics, as well as self-injury, which has become a sort of fashion among the young. Can you give us some answers during this interview to firstly understand death, and secondly, to comprehend why death is not the… Continue reading→
Battle Cry of the Angel Gods
This sample from the angelic transmission of Entering Godhood II exemplifies the Angel Gods’ macrocosmic purification of beings of shadow cast by the suppression of the godhood of the holy ones. Entering Godhood II is currently live on the Spiritual Mastery web site Entering Godhood I is now available as an instant download
Separation Vs. Oneness (Letting Go of Our Most Sacred Cows)
Over the years, Almine has guided us through the matrices of illusion, moving beyond a life opposites and stepping into the Eternal Moment. In this audio, Almine details this journey and reveals the next step – A step that may require us to let go of one of our most revered ‘sacred cows’. This audio… Continue reading→
Invitation: Ceremony Of Creational Blessings From The Holy Mother
As december 21. 2012, a pivotal moment in the lives of many lightworkers, draws nearer, increased energetic activity around the globe seem to happen. To prepare for the new and aid in its fluid unfolding, our sister Sujata Sengupta has invited our global lightfamily to participate in a beautiful ceremony of speaking the Sacred Words… Continue reading→
Winds Of Change
As the hurricane Sandy sweeps the east coast of America, I am reminded of what Almine says about cataclysmic change – that it comes from the surface and forces us into re-evaluation and the eventual adjustment of core beliefs. For example the belief that we are insignificant little beings with no power and ability to live… Continue reading→