Manifested intent is but a crutch of spiritual maturity. Continue reading→
Flow With Grace
…flexible and trusting that all is exactly as it should be. Continue reading→
A Graceful Home Life
A graceful home life is not accomplished by family members doing only as they please. It is built day-by-day through self-discipline… Continue reading→
Celebrating and Elevating Life through Appreciation
Mindless masses late for work hurry to Starbucks for their daily shot of caffeine. A shallow act that requires quick gratification at the cost of grace. I have created this coffee station in the kitchen for the coffee drinker in my home. Even a less than desirable habit can be elevated to a personal ritual… Continue reading→
Looking Back on 2013 and Ahead to 2014 – An Interview with Almine
In this interview Almine shares; A look back on the monumental changes in 2013. Her ‘Relationships as Temples of Initiation into Mastery’ course. Growth through inspiration, opposition, grace and support. The end of linear time - is it an event or process? This audio was first shared on Almine’s Awakening from the Dream radio show, this past Saturday.
Dancing With Grace – Read Pieces of Almine’s Books for Free
Snippets of Wisdom For some time now we have placed little previews of almost all of Almine’s books on Not only the selected free pages which you can find on any product page, but also little snippets of wisdom that are shared to enjoy and ponder over. You can find these little snippets on… Continue reading→
Grace and Surrender
Check out more of these pictures on Almine’s Pinterest page, Almine’s Facebook page or study additional aphorisms (over 1000 of them) in her recent book Seer’s Wisdom – Guidance for Spiritual Mastery.
Breaking Free of Cataclysmic Change – Almine Answers Questions
A question that Almine received a couple of weeks ago… Question: I have been listening a lot to Drunvalo Melchizedek and what he has to say about whats coming to us beeings living on our beloved Mother Earth. I have been very sad and scared, because of his predictions about Mother Earths ascending and how… Continue reading→
Rising Above Negative Reactions – Weekly Predictions by Almine
Happy Saturday everyone! Here is Almine’s prediction for the upcoming week. Prediction for the week of January 13 – January 19, 2013 The ability to rise beyond the ability of others to cause negative reactions in you, is finally here. Choose your reality through emphasizing within what you wish without. Accept the unpredictable quality of… Continue reading→
Living The Poetic Perspective – Goddess Archetypes Pt. 2
In our second New Paradigms through Ancient Records show about living the goddess archetypes to bring the true feminine onlline and combining it with the masculine, we go into 4 different goddesses. Join in to hear about Meresh-arestu who helps you to embrace spontaneous living, and Nichtararech-usvi, who lives the poetic perspective. Listen to the… Continue reading→